Friday, December 5, 2014

The 'ol college try

While a baby is cooking in  my belly and I have much more free time than before, I am trying to go back to school. I learned yesterday that the Navy, though they will pay for my college, will not "double dip." That means that since I already have my associates degree, they won't pay for me to change my career and allow me to get another in something different. It makes sense, but at the time I was a little discouraged.

I started researching online BA paralegal schools and I found two that I'm super interested in.One is called Tiffin University, and the other is called Tulane University. Both are totally online which is awesome. I really hope it works in my favor, because the higher degree I have, the bigger chance I have of scoring a job after the Navy. The job market, from what I hear, is a joke, so I don't want to jeopardize my chances at all.

For those who don't follow me on social media (ie IG or FB), baby is 18 weeks, has a heartbeat of 158 at our last appointment, and as far as I know, all is going well! We will find out the gender on December can't come fast enough!! I have officially popped, and I am LOVING being pregnant. I wore my prenatal uniform to work today and it's sort of like a dress but it's okay. I'll grow in to it. ;)

That's all for now...nothing else to report.

Until next time...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Kids these days...

But seriously, what is wrong with the youth of today's generation? They have no regard for their elders, no please or thank you, no kindness. Is it their fault, their parents, or society in general? What is going on in the world for them to think that it's okay to not say please and thank you when something is given to them? Why are they so rude and selfish? When did it become okay to be so careless?

Halloween is what sparked this question. There was one girl who was crying because she only got one article of candy. Others were being choosy.. "Can I have the kit kat instead?" Others were not even saying trick or treat, instead just holding out their baskets and looking up at me like I should just automatically give them what they want, then running away without a 'thank you!' The last kids of the evening insisted I give them more because I wasn't going to get anyone else that night (this was at about 9:35 pm...which by the way why are they still out that late?!)

It irks me because it takes NO EFFORT to be nice!

I am afraid for when these children grow up...and I can only hope that we can instill old fashioned values into our children.

Friday, October 3, 2014


Reading "the Frenemy's" blog got me thinking about some things...things that I used to do a lot of that I don't do any more...things like...

  • read for pleasure
  • read in general
  • volunteer
  • go for walks just because
  • call my parents on an at least weekly basis - now my mother and I text a lot - almost everyday - but there is something about hearing their voices that puts me at ease. besides, i dont talk to my step dad nearly enough and that breaks my heart. none of us are getting any younger, if you catch my drift.
  • hike - i live in a place where it rains 5 days out of the year...there is no excuse.
  • watch the news or keep up with it on CNN, livewire, etc.
anyway, more on these later, as well as an update.

oh yeah, by the way.... i'm pregnant! :)

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Home free

I'm back on solid ground and it feels great. Last week I went to a basic intelligence school. My "secret" clearance was finally activated which gave me the chance to surf the interwebs and view content that is only accessible with such a clearance. It was fun; I hope I get to actually use what I learned, because it was a lot and I'm excited about it.

Here are some random pet peeves that I'm not sure I mentioned in my pet peeves blog:
"are vs. our" - so many people mix this up, and I'm not sure why. Examples of the PROPER use of the words, in a short sentence:
"Are you okay?"
"Let's go back to OUR house."
I don't get it. If we think of the sentence before we type it out, it would erase so much confusion.

"they" - "THEY haven't found a cure for cancer." Who is/are THEY? I am guilty of doing this, and I realized how much it bothered me so I have been watching what I've been saying so I stop. We need to be more specific in who we are talking about. People are just so lazy with language. Maybe if people realize that THINKING about we say BEFORE we say it actually may make us seem SMART, it would happen more often. Who knows.

Another pet peeve I realized I have is women who want to be treated equal to men. These are the same women who hold grudges, who would easily turn their back on their own kind (another female) to get what they want. LADIES: we need to come TOGETHER before we deserve to ask for equality! Get over yourselves and embrace what we have, because it is a beautiful thing! How is it fair that we can hate each other and talk SO MUCH SMACK but demand to be treated the same as a gender who laughs it off and talks it out like MEN? I just don't get it...

That's it for now. For an update on Hawaii and RIMPAC...

Hawaii was beautiful, humid, and would have been much better if I wasn't there for work! We were in port for 12 days and then hit the open ocean, staying in the Hawaii op-area for about three weeks and then finally headed home on the last week. It was a long two months away, but at the same time it wasn't as bad as I originally anticipated. After a while, I think we get into the mindset of, we're all stuck out here, not going home anytime soon, so we have to get over whatever feelings we have. We are all (quite literally) in the same boat. Nonetheless, I was excited to be home. That last week felt like forever, just because I knew that the end was in sight.

Monday I return to my division after almost 3 months of absence ( I was TAD to another division on the ship). I don't know what to expect based on what I've heard. We'll see how it goes...

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

On vegan and other "ism's"

Never in a million years did I think I would ever entertain the idea of being vegan. Vegetarian, yes, but I loved cheese, yogurt, and milk too much to consider cutting it out. It was naive of me to think that without these things, I couldn't sustain a proper diet, and that by eating these things, the animal wasn't actually being killed so it was okay because they were not being hurt. I was wrong. I have done countless hours of research about the care of factory animals, only to end up with a broken heart and a vow to do better for them. I didn't get through the first five minutes of Food, Inc. without bawling.

Animals deserve to live outside, not stuck in a cage with no sun, water, or exercise...especially those animals that most humans insist on eating. Cows are the only animals that can properly digest grass, yet they are fed grain and then killed. That matters, in case anyone thinks it doesn't. The stress than an animal goes through prior to being slaughtered also affects things like hormone levels and other toxicities that enter their bloodstream and end up in our grocery stores. Most factories are not properly maintained, cleaned, or cared for in general so often times the meat is mixed with animal (and human) feces. Yum.

Research has shown that pigs are almost, if not more, closely related to humans than chimpanzees. They can follow direction and even form a bond with us. But go right ahead, slaughter it so you can eat your precious bacon.

Chickens, once their heads are cut off (since that's the most common way), can still survive, but their stress levels are through the roof. As I mentioned earlier, that can enter their blood stream and stay in the meat we eat.

Don't even get me started on all the chemicals that are added to the meat once they leave the factory and are being prepared to be shipped to the store.

Harvard University recently released results from a study conducted that concluded that we do not need milk to maintain a healthy diet. It's a good thing, because most dairy cows are used specifically for that purpose, never see the sunshine, are used for mating, and then once they stop producing and can no longer give birth, they are killed and their meat is wasted.

I realize that I probably sound like a PETA activist, but I don't really care. If you don't want to do it for yourself or for the animals, or even for the environment, then that's fine. No one is holding a gun to your head. But at least take the time to do your research about what's on your plate.

So what's next? I think I'm gonna try the vegan least for the duration of my time here in Hawaii and while we are underway. Maybe by that time I'll have trained myself well enough to get my husband involved. :P If not though, that's okay too.

Have a beautiful day everyone.

Monday, June 30, 2014

It's been a little while, so here's an update...

For those who don't know, I am currently on "business" in Hawaii. I have about a week left here before we venture out into the open ocean to do some exercises with other ships from around the globe.

I have made LOADS of progress with my problem.  I haven't had a drop of liquor (or beer, or any alcohol for that matter) in over two weeks. It's a short time for some people, but a long time for others. I don't even want it anymore, to be honest. I feel like my eyes have FINALLY opened and I'm starting to realize who and what is really important in my life.

Let's talk about how I feel now that it's not a part of my life. Before I do, let me make it clear that I do not consider myself an alcoholic, and I can be around alcohol and not desire it.

That being said, it is definitely frustrating. Not because I want a drink, because I don't. It's because all everyone around here seems to want to do is "turn up." WE ARE IN HAWAII! We get to come here for FREE! All we pay for is whatever we decide to buy...dinners, shopping stuff, whatever. Nightclubs, bars, etc. are going to be the same here as they are in CA. Alcohol is alcohol. Maybe I don't get it because I don't go out...but as far as I am concerned it's a waste  of time, energy, and money, and not worth the hangover the next day.

It's also sad. In just a short time, I realized that there people I have to weed out already because they don't get it.  From other blogs I've read, that's pretty normal. I expected it, just not so fast. Hopefully they will come around and support my decision once they see I'm serious about it.

At the same time, it's all worth it. As cliche as it sounds, those who really support me will stick through it with me...through the crabby attitude (although I don't know if that's related or not...), and whatever else happens, and I'll know who my true friends are.

By the way, Hawaii is beautiful. I can't wait to bring Derek here for a real vacation.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Who will you love more?

Reading a friends note on Facebook has inspired some thinking. There was a question on a forum she was a part of asking who would she love more: her child, or her husband? My answer is this...

Now I realize I don't have any children, but I think this question can be answered without them, given my views on marriage, love, and the like.

Despite that motherhood is something I am overly excited for and absolutely cannot wait to experience, I will say that I will love my husband more. Think about it. We choose our mates and we choose to have child(ren) at some point in our lives. We birth them, raise them, and hope that they will go on to make something of themselves and start their own life. But then they leave. Once they're gone, we're left again with our rediscover, reinvent the relationship, or do whatever it is people do once the kids are gone. For me, that kind of love is forever...there is no

Love is around us in many different forms. I love my dogs, my family, my friends, I love my husband, and I can say with great, absolute conviction that I will love my children. I love them all the same, equally, but for different things and in different ways.

What would your answer be? Do you have children, or are you using your imagination?

deactivating social media

Changes are happening as a result. Stay tuned..


Tuesday, May 20, 2014


This weekend was a success in some ways, and a failure in many others. My husband and I and a group of friends went and saw Tim McGraw which was amazing, except one little thing: I told myself I was going to be sober, and it didn't work out that way. Now, I will say that I was not as drunk as those around me...I do in fact remember the concert, but I am disappointed because I let myself down.

I am so easily able to justify it (alcohol) being in my life and make excuses for why I need it. The opposite is true for why it shouldn't be there. I mean, of course I can think of so many reasons why I don't need it, shouldn't drink it, etc, but they are quickly diminished by the thoughts like 'we're so young' and 'you're in the navy' and 'it's easier to have fun and let loose when you drink.'

But, I am trying to remain positive. Remember, I said before that this will not happen overnight. We may fall many times, but it is important to not give up. When we give up is when we truly fail.

I have decided to retract a previous statement. When I said to quit cold turkey, I think that's wrong. It may work for some people, but not everyone. I think it's best to cut back slowly. Limit yourself to only drinking on the weekends, and not getting plastered everytime...just a drink here and there. Then eventually, hopefully, one will find themselves not craving it anymore. Not reaching for the bottle for a temporary buzz.

Is it worth it? That next day feeling? The one that lasts all day no matter how much water we drink, food we eat, or sun we get? The one that only gets worse as we get older?

I don't think so.

There is a light my friends... let's get there.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

What it's like to be 25, in the Navy, and tell people you're trying to quit drinking...

"Good luck with that," most of them say.
"Why?" Some of them ask.
"Aren't you going on a deployment soon? You're going to NEED it on deployment!!" They explain.

As always, there are those who laugh it off, give me 'the look' and go on with our conversation.

What I need right now is support from those around me.

I looked my husband in the eyes last night and asked him, "will you support me if I want to quit drinking completely?" He said yes. And he also said he'd support my cutting out meat 100%.

It may go without saying that it is extremely hard to be in my situation and try to stop. Like I said before, YOU have to want it 100%.

The thing about me is, I love attention. I love being the life of the party. Most of the time I will use alcohol to get me there. Part of me feels like alcohol has stunted my growth...set me back a few years so that I am 25 but act 19. I need to get where I was at 19..with goals and a mind set. I need a passion that will set me free, not one that makes me feel trapped. That's one thing about the navy...yes, they take care of us (I wouldn't have this house or medical without them) but there are so many guidelines to follow and restrictions. Even though I make the most of it, myself (and my shipmates, I'm sure) find the bottle as an excuse to escape. It's going to be difficult to find something else for a release...

There comes a moment when you wake up and realize how tired you are of the same shit. I think I've reached that point. I am ready to be a mom, to be a role model and raise a family...but I can't do that until I overcome this...I have to be strong, because if I'm not, how will I show that I'm ready to bring a life into the world?

I think by this point i'm just rambling. It hasn't been easy, but it will be worth it. That's what I've been told, anyway.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Liquid poison

I have been thinking it over, and I have compiled some thoughts regarding how to stop drinking. These steps also apply to other things...smoking, eating crap food, etc. Obviously I am not a professional, I am simply someone who wants to stop and also help others stop if that's what they want, too. Feel free to add your own suggestions. :)

  • First things first, you have to want it completely. No 75%, no 'maybe tomorrow''s now or never.
  • STOP with the excuses (I can't have fun without it, I need it, etc. Newsflash: you don't need it. You are worthy of fun and love without poison in your life).
  • Don't pick a drink and say this is your 'last one.' Also, don't pick a date on the calendar and say you'll stop drinking on that date. I have done this countless times and the anticipation and trying to savor that last drink is so difficult. All that does is leave me wanting more. 
  • Having a support system is absolutely necessary, whether that be through AA or through family and friends. Lucky for me, I have an amazing husband who will absolutely stand by my decision. No one should go through this alone.  Toxic people = a toxic life, so eliminate those people who don't support you and your choice. 
  • You have to do this FOR YOU. At the end of the day, let's be real, we are the only ones who matter...we will ALWAYS find a reason to do something we are trying to quit unless we are 100% on board with stopping for ourselves.
  • No baby steps. It's all or nothing. What I mean by that is starting by cutting it out and only drinking on the weekends, or only having one drink per night instead of my experience, cold turkey is the way for everything.
  • Make others aware of your intentions. TAKE YOURSELF SERIOUSLY so they can take you seriously. People will respect you a lot more if they see that you really mean it and aren't just talking smack.
  • Anticipate that this is not easy and it's not going to happen overnight. Depending on where we are in our lives, we may fail a couple of times. (Also known as relapse)...and that's okay, as long as we don't make it a habit.
  • Get a hobby. Simply put, for a lot of us, drinking IS that hobby. Involve yourself in something that challenges your mind so you're not always thinking about alcohol. Learn a new language, read a book, exercise...
I know that for some of us (myself included) it's about the buzz. It doesn't matter how many calories are in a bottle or how much sugar is packed's all about the attention I get. The bigger the buzz, the better. Despite the fact that I know the health impacts, I know it's not good for me, I still crave that feeling. Truth is, it's a poison. It's an addiction. If we (I) can get a hold of it and tame it, then I can control it to a point where I won't need it anymore.

Thank you for reading. Please continue to check in and see how I'm doing with my challenge. I would love to hear everyone's stories of inspiration, of struggle, of whatever you have to offer.

Monday, May 12, 2014


This Thursday, as well as being my parents wedding anniversary, is the anniversary of the year I shipped off to boot camp. It's hard to believe that it was 2 years ago...time has gone by so fast! I have crossed paths with so many amazing people that will be in my life years after I get out of the navy. I have cried, laughed, and shared so many countless memories. I have swept so many dust bunnies, only to be encountered by what seems like millions more...

But overall, I enjoy it. There are days when I question my decision, but without the navy, Derek and I wouldn't have this house or the memories we have made here. Without the navy I would have never gotten to drive a multi billion dollar warship...and without the navy, I wouldn't truly know what camaraderie feels like.

Despite its downfalls (like keeping me away from my husband and our dogs), the navy has done me some good. It has made me a better person. I am a way better friend than I was. I am way more independent. I am able to get medical care (dental, eye, and female stuff) for free. In a few years I will be able to go back to school and it will lead me to do what I really want to do.

For me, it's not forever...but it is definitely something I do not regret doing. This year is a whole new level of challenges, I will be going on my first deployment and spending a LOT more time away from home. I am excited though, it's something I think everyone needs to experience. I am anticipating a lot of growth and definite culture shock, but also memories and an education that I can take with me anywhere.

Happy anniversary to me, it's been a pleasure serving my country so far.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

A new sort of challenge

Sobriety is not something that comes easy for a lot of us.

For some, it's a daily struggle. Finding a reason to NOT drink is easier than finding reasons to stop. Being around people who always want to drink is hard.

Alcohol is billboards, in music, in newspapers, in our everyday lives. Getting away from it is near impossible.

First off, we have to WANT to stop. For us, not for someone else. Having support makes it easier, but there are always those few who say they support us and then push us to drink and ask why we aren't doing it.

Until we have an awakening, we may not see the full extent of our problem.

So here I am, wanting, once more, to quit. I have the support of my husband, who I'm sure is a little tired of taking care of me after one too many drinks...and I don't blame him one bit for that...It's a fact, I cannot handle my liquor, and I should not be drinking it for that and so many other reasons.

I'm not a teenager anymore, and I can DEFINITELY feel it the next day when I drink too much. It's not worth it.

I'm ready to think about kids, about the next chapter...and alcohol will NOT play a part in that. If I can't quit this, how can I say I'm ready for a family?

My challenge is to stop. 30, 60, 90 days, until I just don't need it anymore.
Deployment without alcohol? Bring it on.

I need support though, this won't be easy. But it will be worth it, I know it.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Why is three the "magic number?" why do we count to three to start something, grab 3 apples as opposed to 4, have 3 meals a day?

What makes this number so great?

Saturday, March 8, 2014

I understand

Over the past few weeks, I have done a lot of thinking. I have come to the conclusion that I understand why people are unfaithful to their spouses.

That doesn't make it okay.
That doesn't make it right.
That doesn't mean I'm going to do it.

But I understand it now.

Especially from a military perspective.

We are gone a lot. It gets lonely being one of the few happily committed people on the ship and not getting to talk to/see your spouse everyday.

And to look at it from the other side, the spouse is probably lonely, too. They come home from work to an empty, quiet house, alone with their thoughts. Maybe they have friends, maybe they don't. But they are fighting the battle too.

I used to hear about people cheating on their boyfriends/girlfriends/wives/husbands and immediately lose respect for them without even knowing the story or understanding what they were going through. I was close minded to the fact that maybe they had reached an understanding in their marriage that made it okay for them. Not all marriages are as conventional as they used to be. Not all marriages are united by God. Some are just between two people and a piece of paper. And that's okay.

Now don't jump to conclusions about this post. I understand that not everyone shares my perspective. It does not apply to my own marriage! I am simply stating that I have realized that sometimes people step outside their comfort zone to find something else that brings them pleasure and I am okay with that. I find it fascinating, really.

I'm not encouraging it by any means, either. Just simply sharing an opinion on my personal blog. Please comment with your own opinions!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Reasons to wait...

I've been thinking a lot over the past couple of weeks about something that may come off as surprising.

Now, before I proceed, let me tell you a bit about myself. I was engaged and married at age 23. I do not regret a single moment of it. I do not have any children, nor am I a subject matter expert about what I am about to talk about. I have a two year degree in paralegal studies, and a more than full time job in the United States Navy. My husband has his high school diploma and wants to join the police force.

This, and a few other reasons, is why I think it's a good idea to wait until 30 to have kids. Let me elaborate.

My husband and I have been together since we were 19. We hit it off and I just knew that we would be something special.

People say that our 20s is the time for self-exploration, to just enjoy, etc...I do agree with that. Most people go to college, graduate with a Bachelor's right around age 22-23. Then they get married and start their new lives in debt and in love. Then a baby comes.

Others start out in debt with no degree and an "oops" happens, so they never really get to catch up on the bills they have. It's stressful.

By the time 30 comes around, we should have a better understanding of our strengths and weaknesses in regards to money, our relationship, and ourself. Or so I would hope.

Money. That is HUGE. No one is ever financially ready to have a baby. They are expensive. But there is a time when we are more prepared than not, and I think by 30 we have made enough mistakes to know better.

Given my own situation, if I wait till 30, my oldest child will be 13 by the time I retire, which is PERFECT. I won't have to worry about missing out on big moments in their life.

Also, let's say I get pregnant in the next few months. It is almost selfish of me to bring a child into the world when my husband isn't where he wants to be. And, we have two very rowdy dogs. And we aren't where I would like us to be financially. We just...aren't ready. Personally or professionally.

Now I know that "age is just a number," but with age comes wisdom, knowledge, and experience. I want the absolute best for my kids, as we all do. Waiting is that "best."



Sunday, January 12, 2014

Blog challenge day 30

This is the final post for the challenge! 10 things I would hope to be remembered for. In no certain order...

1. My passion for animals.
2. The way I love my husband and family.
3. My laugh.
4. My kid-at-heartedness.
5. My overall passion for life.
6. My love for country music, and how I liked it before it was "cool" or "okay" to like it.
7. How I choose to make the most out of every situation.
8. How everyday I smile.
9. That I'm a good influence.
10. I'm always me, no matter how much people try to judge me.

Please feel free to steal this challenge. It was a lot of fun! Leave me some love in the comments below!

Blog challenge day 29

What do I think most people misunderstand most about me?

Where I come from. I come from a small town...I come from a home where there is a lot of love. I come from parents who taught me without realizing it how important it is to value myself, how much they want me to succeed, and how the simple things are the best things.

I think people misunderstand the depth of my morals. How I never slept around and I was proud of that. How I love with my entire being and want to teach whatever children I have how important that is.

Honestly though, it doesn't matter what people misunderstand, because if it's important to me, I make it room for question. If they still don't get it, it's not my problem anymore.

Next (and last) question: 10 things I would hope to be remembered for.

Blog challenge day 27

Today's challenge question: What is your favorite part of your body and why?

Easy. My hair. It grows quickly, it's thick, there's a lot I can do with it. I love it. :)

Next question: What is your love language?

Blog challenge day 28

Today's question: What is your love language?

My love language is the one with no limits. I love unconditionally, completely, and without regret. I love for life. I live for love. I tell my husband several times a day that I love him. I love with passion.

My love language speaks volumes. I brag about my love. It is my greatest accomplishment and what I am most proud of. It is what puts a lump in my throat and gives me butterflies in my stomach.

It is my journey, my destination, my soul. My sky, my sun, my stars, my universe.

That is the language of my love.

What's yours?

Next challenge: What do you think people misunderstand the most about you?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Blog challenge day 26

Today's topic: what popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?

There are obviously a lot of choices here. But I think I'll go with the one I know the most about due to research and due diligence.

Which is this...I think that people don't realize, or maybe just choose to not see, that animals do in fact have feelings. People don't think about the inhumanity of things because they would rather think up a hundred excuses. Studies have shown that not only are several butcher houses unsanitary, but the way the animals live up to their last moment of life is cruel and unnecessary. An example is shown here. Another here. Note: I couldn't get through the full video, they are extremely heartbreaking and graphic.

I'm not trying to convert everyone to a plant based lifestyle, as nice as that would be. Rather, I want you to think about WHERE your cow comes from, where the chicken "lived" before it ended up on your plate. If you choose to eat meat, at least choose to buy from a reputable place where the animal saw the sunlight, ate food it was supposed to eat (for example, cows are the only animal that can digest grass yet in most places it is given grain) before you spend your money (and your health).

I have been fascinated with whales lately, especially after watching the much talked about documentary "Blackfish" on Netflix. I definitely see them in a new light. Did you know that in the wild, orcas live in a pack, and their family never separates? They have an incredible way of communicating that is being studied every day. Like us, they crave attention and are highly social.

What I'm trying to say, is think before you eat. If those videos were enough to sway your opinion, then please spread the word. I believe the first step to helping others is to gain compassion...and a great way to do that is through the animals we share the earth with.

Stay tuned for next time:
What is your favorite part of your body and why?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Blog challenge day 25

Happy New Year, bloggers and readers!

I did not set any concrete resolutions this year, because I know it's going to be a busy year for me! My ship will be going underway a lot and I will go on my first deployment later this year. That said, I want to read more and drink less. I want to exercise more, maintain a positive attitude, and MAKE RANK. My two "professional" goals are to make rank (E-4) and get my ESWS pin. Both are in the works. Oh, and maintain my EP work ethic. :)

So, anyway, back to the topic at hand: if I could have lunch with anyone from history who would it be and what would I eat?

So many names come to mind...but I think I would go with JFK. There is so much about him that fascinates me, and so many unanswered questions. He seemed like the only president that we've had in a while that served honorably in life and in the white house.

Oh, and of course I would eat spaghetti. :)

Tomorrow's question: What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?

Our Love Story

 Veteran's Day has come and gone this year but I wanted to share our love story because I think it's fun (even if I'm the only o...