Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Liquid poison

I have been thinking it over, and I have compiled some thoughts regarding how to stop drinking. These steps also apply to other things...smoking, eating crap food, etc. Obviously I am not a professional, I am simply someone who wants to stop and also help others stop if that's what they want, too. Feel free to add your own suggestions. :)

  • First things first, you have to want it completely. No 75%, no 'maybe tomorrow''s now or never.
  • STOP with the excuses (I can't have fun without it, I need it, etc. Newsflash: you don't need it. You are worthy of fun and love without poison in your life).
  • Don't pick a drink and say this is your 'last one.' Also, don't pick a date on the calendar and say you'll stop drinking on that date. I have done this countless times and the anticipation and trying to savor that last drink is so difficult. All that does is leave me wanting more. 
  • Having a support system is absolutely necessary, whether that be through AA or through family and friends. Lucky for me, I have an amazing husband who will absolutely stand by my decision. No one should go through this alone.  Toxic people = a toxic life, so eliminate those people who don't support you and your choice. 
  • You have to do this FOR YOU. At the end of the day, let's be real, we are the only ones who matter...we will ALWAYS find a reason to do something we are trying to quit unless we are 100% on board with stopping for ourselves.
  • No baby steps. It's all or nothing. What I mean by that is starting by cutting it out and only drinking on the weekends, or only having one drink per night instead of my experience, cold turkey is the way for everything.
  • Make others aware of your intentions. TAKE YOURSELF SERIOUSLY so they can take you seriously. People will respect you a lot more if they see that you really mean it and aren't just talking smack.
  • Anticipate that this is not easy and it's not going to happen overnight. Depending on where we are in our lives, we may fail a couple of times. (Also known as relapse)...and that's okay, as long as we don't make it a habit.
  • Get a hobby. Simply put, for a lot of us, drinking IS that hobby. Involve yourself in something that challenges your mind so you're not always thinking about alcohol. Learn a new language, read a book, exercise...
I know that for some of us (myself included) it's about the buzz. It doesn't matter how many calories are in a bottle or how much sugar is packed's all about the attention I get. The bigger the buzz, the better. Despite the fact that I know the health impacts, I know it's not good for me, I still crave that feeling. Truth is, it's a poison. It's an addiction. If we (I) can get a hold of it and tame it, then I can control it to a point where I won't need it anymore.

Thank you for reading. Please continue to check in and see how I'm doing with my challenge. I would love to hear everyone's stories of inspiration, of struggle, of whatever you have to offer.


  1. This is a great post and actually I am trying really hard to stop eating shit food. I relapsed today so I really needed to read this thank you! For me it is theraputic to treat myself to sugary flavors, salty, greasy, etc. Plus I have an energy drink problem to where I get headaches and know the only thing that's gonna fix it is caffeine. So thank you for joining me on this difficult fight against addiction. I love you.

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  3. Thank YOU! I also have a problem with shit food (mostly candy) but my biggest problem is alcohol. I also crave caffeine and I'm weaning myself off of energy drinks and only drinking one cup of coffee a day. It is incredibly hard...but sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same, right?
    I am so glad you are in my life. I love you.

  4. Don't give up!! We had a speaker on Tuesday who came in and was talking to us about how to quit different things. And they said the average number of attempts before success is 7. That means you may fail and relapse 6 times, but it's still not over. Don't give up!


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