Sunday, January 29, 2012


I realize it's been a while, and I have nothing but excuses. I'm not busy, all I do is work...I have just neglected to keep up on my blog. It seems that the only thing I ever do on the Internet is Facebook, unfortunately. There is so much I need to do to prepare for boot camp (and the rest of my life, quite frankly), but I just haven't done it. I need to study, I need to memorize things like chain of command, rank and recognition, and ships and aircraft, but I haven't.. I was a good student. There is no solid reason other than laziness for me putting this off. I need to pack and get rid of a bunch of clothes I'll never wear again, CDs I'll never listen to, movies I'll never watch...things that are just collecting dust in my mom's storage unit and/or my bedroom that I know will just sit there if I take it with me.

I need to work out. That is something I can think of excuses for. I love working out once I actually do it, but it's the doing it part that gets me. Ugh.

Maybe it's something other than laziness that's bringing me down. Have I lost my spark? I don't know. :/

Monday, January 2, 2012

House sitting

D and I are house sitting for his parents for a little less than a week, and I am excited, despite that I have to work. It gives us the chance to feel like we're on our own again, not so far behind I could cry myself to sleep every night...we have needed alone time for a while, so I don't think this could have come at a more perfect time.

It's nice to be just he and's moments like that when I realize what our future holds, and I can't wait. Last night (well, okay, yesterday afternoon) we watched the movie Elf with Will Ferrell, because I had never seen it (and who doesn't love that guy?!) was HILARIOUS. It took me back to when we first got together and we watched Borat together for the first time. I am hoping we will reconnect because with our opposite work schedules, we've been distant lately. We'll be okay, it's just sad and hard to deal sometimes.

Anyway, I'll post something tomorrow...I'm at work so I gotta get busy!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

And so it begins, 2012. I haven't blogged in a while. I haven't been busy, I just haven't really had a computer I could use. Work is slow, life is slow, and I continue to procrastinate. Such is life.

I resolved to not make any new years resolutions this year, because each year they are essentially the same. I do, however, need to get in shape and get (mostly) out of debt. I have no idea how we let ourselves get this far in and I'm ready for it to be over.

The holidays were...interesting. I'm just going to leave it at that. Let's just say I'm glad they're over.

I am excited, anxious, and nervous for what 2012 will bring. It will definitely be my most challenging year yet, as I will be faced with separation from D (also known as boot camp), and I will physically challenge myself to lengths I didn't know I had. D and I talked about joining a gym yesterday, which is something I've always loathed the idea of, yet I think it's time. I'm just looking for something healthy we can do together that's rewarding too...

In the meantime, I'm going to continue doing what I'm doing...working, studying for the Navy, and

Our Love Story

 Veteran's Day has come and gone this year but I wanted to share our love story because I think it's fun (even if I'm the only o...