Sunday, November 6, 2011

PS --

Oh, I forget to mention one thing...

At my DEP meeting last Thursday (it's a monthly meeting for those of us in the Delayed Entry Program with the Navy) I made a very big decision...

Remember how I asked my recruiter to look into yeoman for me? Well, I changed my mind.
After talking to D about our future, and already changing my ship date once, I decided to stick with boatswain's mate. Why? Here it is:

That is a job I would never choose in a million years if it were offered next to yeoman or any other administration type job. It will challenge me, make me stronger, and I may just like it.

My recruiter's boss was there and he asked us all our ship date, job, and where we went to high school, and then told us a bit about our job. There is someone in my group that will be going in as a yeoman, (which I didn't know, haha) and when he got to him, he said "meh, lots of paperwork.." which, yes I love (I know, I'm crazy) ... but then I realized that's a lot of what I do now, being a receptionist, and I find myself always looking for things to do and my brain isn't being challenged. In other words, it's really routine, which is nice on one hand, but it gets old fast.

So on the way home, I texted my recruiter and told him to forget about looking into yeoman for me. I'm excited about where boatswain's mate will take me.
And hey, if I do end up hating it, I don't have to re-enlist in four years (but I have a feeling I'm going to like it).

1 comment:

  1. This is a good idea. It's always an adventure to try something different!! I know you will make fun, even if it's not handed to you! <3 Great decision Em. :)


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