Thursday, October 20, 2011


God (and religion) is a subject I don't really talk about with friends. He wasn't really a major part of my upbringing, and I didn't hang out with the kind of people who were religious - and if they were, they didn't really talk about it, either. Sure, I went to AWANA on Wednesday nights for a while, but that was short lived...not because I didn't like it, but because I got in trouble once (for not doing my chores or something like that) and wasn't allowed to go anymore.

The first six years of my life led me to believe that there was no God, and the people who believed in him were hypocrites. I won't go into the graphic details, but it's been hard to trust people who call themselves Christian.

I let myself go to a church in Bellingham and absolutely loved it. It was a non denominational Christian church called Oikos. The dress was casual, people were genuine, and the pastor really made you feel like family. I stopped going there because we moved.

Now, I get the feeling I'm missing something again. I know it's not a baby, because we aren't ready for that. I know that I need a God in my life...I need that faith. I have morals, but I just need to believe.

I need to be baptized. That didn't happen when I was younger, because I was "too little." (I was about 5...and the next day I saw a newborn baby get baptized, so I knew something was up...) I think committing to that is really a symbol that you're committing your being and your life to something greater than yourself.



  1. Hey girl do you still check your gmail? I just sent you "Final Portfolio" from my nonfic class. My response is "Good Christian Morals."

    Religion makes me uncomfortable and angsty. I don't believe in God, gods, or anything like that. I can't say I "don't believe in anything" because that's not right. (That's not even the definition of athiest, really, Atheists just don't believe in god or gods lol. Just in case you were wondering).

    I believe in things like friendship, trust, and goodness.

    I think it is great that people can find wholesomeness in religion. I've always wished for it, but I've tried and tried and I just can't believe it.

    I wish you luck in your religious endeavors. :)

  2. I checked that and got it, but when I opened it there was nothing there... :/ try resending it?

  3. Were you able to read it and everything?


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