Monday, January 10, 2011


This week's topic is what I do to calm me down when I'm stressed, and what I do overall.

1. I try to make whatever is stressing me out go away. If it's something work related, I ask for help or slow down my pace. If it's school related, I tell myself that I'm going to be okay and everything will work out. Also, taking a time out from whatever it is sometimes helps. Doing something else for like an hour (watching a show or reading) can help calm me down.
2. Sleep is a wonderful thing. We've become great friends over the past couple years. I've been really stressed out before, but usually not enough to where I couldn't sleep. Usually.
3. Talking about the situation really helps, especially if it's a relationship related stress, and even if it's not.
4. Managing my time has helped me a lot; prioritizing, not procrastinating, etc. That way I have time for assignments and other things. :)

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