Monday, July 16, 2018

Real talk

i hate my body.

there, I said it.

I went to the beach yesterday and kept my T-shirt on the whole time.

Not because of my stretch marks - I don’t mind those.

I did it because I cannot stand to feel my fat on my hips every time my hand touches it.

I did it because without a T-shirt, I cannot hide my pooch (aka food belly).

I did it because I lack confidence from my head to my toes. Always have.

I tell my daughter she is beautiful every single day multiple times a day and I mean it 100%. She doesn’t know what it feels like to be insecure and I hope she never does.

We get shamed when we’re too big and we get shamed when we’re too small. We can’t win. The worst part is, our worst critic is ourselves.


  1. I want to write something clever, and inspirational, BUT SADLY I've GOT NOTHING. However, I understand completely how you feel. I haven't worn a bathing suit since boot camp. Partly by choice, but partly do to how big my thighs are. Part of my problem is, that I don't have the motivation to go to the gym like I use to have.

  2. I will say this: children see us hating our bodies. I have no room to talk. I stare at my thighs, which are bigger around than some girls' waists, and try not to hyperventilate. But I also try to set an example, fake confidence so-to-speak, so just maybe my kids will see that and emulate it. Fake it till you make it? I dunno.

    ps I've been reading, just not commenting. I need another fairytale. I'm waiaiiaaiiiitinnnng lol.


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