Sunday, February 3, 2013

Like our parents...

I can't help thinking about where my parents were when they were my age. I think a lot of us compare our lives to theirs, because we want to find some satisfaction in our own successes...or maybe we just want to learn from them, do better, I don't know. I'm 24 and I feel like I've done nothing with my life, but I know that's not true...I just...I don't know, maybe got a late start, if nothing else. In the grand scheme of things, I've done pretty well. I got my associates degree, which I paid for on my own...I moved into my own apartment when I was 19, and lived there for a good 4 years. I've been with the same guy for the past 5 years, and I married him with no doubt in my mind that we were meant for each other. I joined the Navy when I was 23...on one hand I'm glad I did, because I got some life experience in...if I had joined straight out of high school, I wouldn't have the same outlook. On the other hand, joining at 23 means that I spend my day with 18-20 year old little boys, who are not always easy to work with. But, I genuinely love what I do, which is not what I expected.

A lot of people my age have kids. When my mom was my age, she had one son and another on the way. I have two dogs, a budding career, and I'm still considered a newlywed. I dream of having kids all the time...I know I want them someday. But could I handle it now? I don't know. Luckily, there isn't the expectation of the stay at home, always pregnant mom image anymore...women are allowed to be free thinkers, have careers, and start families when they're older. So I'm not under pressure. However, I do want all my children to be born before I'm 30, and I don't want to have them when my metabolism slows down. Maybe that's a selfish thought, I don't know...but frankly, I don't care because it's my body. lol

Why am I saying all this? I think it's to remind myself that just because I'm not a mother, doesn't mean I'm not where I'm supposed to be. It doesn't mean I'm a failure. My time will come and when it does, I'm gonna be even more in love than I am now. I think I'm gonna be a great mom, because I have such high expectations and will know what I do and don't want to teach them. :)


1 comment:

  1. That is exactly how I feel! Let's accomplish some stuff first!! :) You're awesome, and you inspire me to do great things. :)


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