Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Exciting work updates!

About a week ago, we got our evaluations, or in the navy world, evals. They are generally given a couple of months before an exam, or other parts of the year. You sit with your chain of command... third classes and above, and they tell you what they like about you and where they think you can improve, etc.

With the Navy, there are three "classes" of final evals. "P" for promotable - this is usually given when you first arrive, as a "they are new, hard worker, but we haven't really gauged them yet, or if you've been in for a while and are just a dirtbag. Also, if you get what is called a "SP" (special eval - usually if you go to captains mast, which you DO NOT WANT) you automatically get a P after, even if you redeem yourself. "MP" is must promote - you are shit hot, as we like to say. You hit the ground running, and are highly motivated, self starter, things like that. An MP is typical, and definitely something you want to get. Finally, there is "EP", or early promote. This is the highest standard. Only a small number of people in a division are awarded this. It's similar to MP, but you are given more points and it looks better. If you get an EP, you want to continue that standard throughout your career because going from an EP to an MP looks kind of bad.

So here I was, sitting in one of our spaces, reading over my eval as my BM1, First Lieutenant, BM2, BM3 and chiefs eyes are on me. As I was making sure all my quals and awards were on there, they asked if I had any questions. At that exact moment, I looked down, and noticed EP checked. I was shocked, in a good way. I was not expecting EP!! MP, yes, but not EP! Not to say I'm not grateful for it, because of course I am...but WOW! I don't think anyone has ever had more faith in me than my chain of command. I am so hard on myself and I know they see that, but they also see that I try every day and I constantly want to learn and teach and be a part of the Navy family. It's moments like that when I forget all the petty moments...all the BS...and it makes me so proud to be a part of this. On top of that, myself and two others were "promoted" to leading seaman. It's basically a petty officer without the collar device. I am grateful for that too, because I've never been given the opportunity to be a leader...unless you count being editor of a college newspaper, but it's a totally different environment, so I think they are isolated incidents. I am so excited for the challenges and responsibilities that await me. I finally get the chance to show what I'm made of...even if right now I have no idea!

Honestly though, seeing my chief look me in the eyes and say that he likes me meant so much...because as those close to me know, approval is what I strive for.

Now all I have to do is make third, get my ESWS, and keep working hard. I'm at a really good place and I know it can only go up from here!


  1. You make us all proud, little sister! I expect nothing less than the best from you, because I know that you are more than capable of it. It makes me smile to know that someone that shares my genetics is so successful, and recognized not just for the effort, but the natural talent.

    This is amazing, just as you are. :) It will be amazing to watch you grow and progress in your career, and I look forward to more positive updates like this!

    Keep on keepin' on. You set an example for all of us, and should be proud of what you've accomplished, and the potential you have to do even more! :D

  2. What is a collar device? I am so proud!! You are amaaaaazing and I am so glad you got recognition!

  3. Thank you brother, it means a lot to finally be recognized, let me tell you!

    Stacy - a collar device is what petty officers and officers wear on their uniform to signify what rank they are.


Our Love Story

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