Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The other woman

Ok. Here's something funny for you. Us girls have a problem with our guys playing xbox. Not because it takes away from paying attention to us...c'mon, we're not THAT insecure. It's because it kind of holds a double standard. It's a hobby, a way to let off steam, yet every curse word under the sun is said, stress levels are rampant, and God forbid we try to ask a question or try to pull you away from it.
You wonder why we escape to Facebook to vent. Well, our girlfriends are on there (probably because their boyfriends are with their xboxes so we know we have our own community). Facebook is OUR hobby...it's where we go to find the people we always wanted to be in high school, to see what our peers are up to these days, to see the lives they're having that we only wish we could have. Just to escape the reality of the world for a minute.
Then we get tired of it. We get tired of complaining. Tired of bitching and moaning the same old story. So, we join you. Sure, it's fun to shoot at other virtual people playing online. Then your friend comes on (you have a mic on of course) and asks why you're not playing with him and when you'll be done. So now we're in an uncomfortable spot. We thought we finally had you to ourselves. We thought we finally won. Nope.
The moral of the story is that we will almost always be second to the xbox. They will always be the other woman. We can accept that and move on, or keep bitching about it. But one thing's true: we'll always lose. Hey, it could be worse...he could be out somewhere being unfaithful with another woman...at least this way, you know exactly where he is and what he's up to...

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