Sunday, January 29, 2012


I realize it's been a while, and I have nothing but excuses. I'm not busy, all I do is work...I have just neglected to keep up on my blog. It seems that the only thing I ever do on the Internet is Facebook, unfortunately. There is so much I need to do to prepare for boot camp (and the rest of my life, quite frankly), but I just haven't done it. I need to study, I need to memorize things like chain of command, rank and recognition, and ships and aircraft, but I haven't.. I was a good student. There is no solid reason other than laziness for me putting this off. I need to pack and get rid of a bunch of clothes I'll never wear again, CDs I'll never listen to, movies I'll never watch...things that are just collecting dust in my mom's storage unit and/or my bedroom that I know will just sit there if I take it with me.

I need to work out. That is something I can think of excuses for. I love working out once I actually do it, but it's the doing it part that gets me. Ugh.

Maybe it's something other than laziness that's bringing me down. Have I lost my spark? I don't know. :/

1 comment:

  1. Feeling kind of down myself lately. I think it's a lack of sunshine. Maybe we should take some vitamin D. Ha.


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