Reading "the Frenemy's" blog got me thinking about some things...things that I used to do a lot of that I don't do any more...things like...
- read for pleasure
- read in general
- volunteer
- go for walks just because
- call my parents on an at least weekly basis - now my mother and I text a lot - almost everyday - but there is something about hearing their voices that puts me at ease. besides, i dont talk to my step dad nearly enough and that breaks my heart. none of us are getting any younger, if you catch my drift.
- hike - i live in a place where it rains 5 days out of the year...there is no excuse.
- watch the news or keep up with it on CNN, livewire, etc.
anyway, more on these later, as well as an update.
oh yeah, by the way.... i'm pregnant! :)