Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Blog challenge day 24

Today's topic: my family dynamic as a child v. my family dynamic now.

I come from what some would call a "broken home," meaning that my parents were divorced and/or remarried to other people. But after I turned 6, my home wasn't completely broken anymore. We were saved.

Even still, as a girl, I dreamed about what most girls dream about: the big poofy dress, the prince whisking me away, and us having a hundred kids and living happily ever after.

That was, at least, my end dream. I had dreams in between, but that would be the ultimate.

It's funny how dreams change.

Today, about a year and some change after being married, I do still dream of having kids, but only two. My wedding wasn't like the one I had always dreamed of, but my "prince" was. I think THAT'S what matters...not how you get married or what you wear or where it is, but who the person is that you're exchanging vows with. I don't believe in divorce for myself, so I made sure that I hit a home run the first time around.

Next topic: If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?

Merry Christmas Eve, ya'll!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Blog challenge day 23

Alrighty folks...my top five hobbies and why I have them...

In no order, of course...

It was sort of hard for me to think of five things outside of work that I like to do because I am so invested in my career. lol but here they are.

-Reading. I love reading, I always have. Why? So many reasons, but mostly because reading keeps the mind sharp. We learn things about ourselves through the characters that we build in our minds that live in these books. Whether fiction or non fiction, there is always something to take away. My husband says I don't do it enough and he's so right, unfortunately. But, I love it.

-Helping animals. Why? I shouldn't have to explain this one, but I will. Not only do they depend on us because they cannot speak for themselves, but there is something soothing and satisfying about showing them that you care and seeing it in their face that they understand. Animals are so underestimated, they are much smarter than humans give them credit for.

-Cooking. I try to be inventive, but I usually settle for simple things because I don't feel like cooking big things when I get home from work. But it's fun.

-Writing. I used to write for my college newspaper and fell in love with journalism in doing so. Since I've been out of school, I've unfortunately let my creative outlets be put on the sidelines. But honestly, I'm disappointed with todays media. When I was writing for the paper, of course we had to keep what we wrote relavent to the school, but it was what people actually needed to know...not which celebrities are getting divorced or what they're naming their babies...at the end of the day no one should care about that. There are bigger problems in the world...hell there are SMALLER problems in the world that render more importance than that.

-Lastly...and I gotta warn ya'll that this may be TMI (Sorry Josh)... but I love sex. Let me make one thing clear. I love sex with my HUSBAND. I'm a one man woman and I take that very seriously. But I think it's an amazing thing to know that what we're doing (and having fun doing it) will someday make a baby...create a life, a family.

So there ya'll have it. I would love to hear your thoughts. I do have more hobbies than those, but outside of work, that's what takes up my time. :) What are some things that you all like to do? What are some good books you've read lately?

Stay tuned for the next topic: Describe your family dynamic of your childhood v. your family dynamic now.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Blog challenge day 22

Hello again! I am officially on leave until the 27th of this month! It's about time, I am super excited. I want to finish up this challenge before I go back to work, because I'm afraid that once I get back I won't have time.

Just a quick update before I start the next challenge topic. I am still a BMSN, didn't pick up third nor did I get capped. I was told that I was selected to get capped (which for you civilians is basically a surprise from the captain that means you are automatically, effective immediately, made and paid for the next pay grade) but unfortunately the higher ups changed their minds because someone got a big award. Oh well. I can't talk about it because it gets me upset, and not in a good way. There are some things I can't change and I'd rather not dwell on them.

Alright, so back on track. The challenge is where do I see myself in 5, 10, 15 years. Bear in mind this is going to be mostly from a professional standpoint. Here we go!

Five years from now puts me at 30. I will be in my second enlistment with the USN, on shore duty (I hope) with one, maybe two kids. Before the navy I always said I'd have all my kids out before thirty...but it's funny how someone more powerful than us can up and change the plans we have for ourselves. But I can say that I will definitely have at least one child by this time, well on my way to being a BM1.

Ten years from now, I will be 35. I will be almost 12 years into the Navy, hopefully a Chief, and I will be done having children. Still happily married though.

Fifteen years from now, I will be almost retired. A BMC or BMCS (senior chief) thinking about my next career move and where we would like to all settle down.

Stay tuned for the next topic: My top 5 hobbies and why I have them.

PS....can ya'll BELIEVE that 2013 is almost gone?! This year flew by!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Blog challenge day 21

If I could have one superpower, what would it be and what would I do with it first?


To fly?
Or be invisible?

I honestly can't choose between those two. If I could fly, I would go back to Washington state.

If I could be invisible, I would be a fly on the wall at work & other places so I could hear what people talk about behind closed doors. But on the other hand, I don't really care. haha.

So it's cliche, it's simple, but that's sort of what I am.

Stay tuned for next time: Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?

Our Love Story

 Veteran's Day has come and gone this year but I wanted to share our love story because I think it's fun (even if I'm the only o...