Friday, October 25, 2013

Blog challenge day 13

Good evening ya'll. Today's topic is all about 5 of my weaknesses. Let's get started!

-I am horrible at standing up for myself. I am not good at witty comebacks, and I always think of the best/right thing to say long after things happen.

- I am still really gullible! I will believe someone based on their experience rather than fact checking for myself!

- I doubt myself. My self-confidence is super low and I always think the worst of myself instead of the best. (ie swimming...I know I could do it if I really tried, but I always have the wrong attitude about it.)

- I'm more hypocritical than I want to admit. For example: I want to be the wife who can do it all: work a full time job, keep the house clean, and raise kids, but yet I don't want to put fourth the effort...I want the dishes to do themselves and the house to clean itself.

Lastly, I depend too much on technology. One of these days I'm gonna not use my phone for a week, then a month, then...

Stay tuned for tomorrow's topic: 5 of my strengths.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Blogger challenge day 12

Today's topic: a typical day in my current life

Let me start out by saying that nothing about my daily life is normal or typical. Every day is something new. We have a plan of the day everyday, and certain things that happen ship wide everyday (ie sweepers) but for our division, nothing is the same.

Let's see. Typically, we get right to work right around 0800. We do anything from busting paint and other topside preservation to deep cleaning our spaces. Maintenance happens for those who are qualified and on the team. Inspections happen a lot, too...we are always in a training cycle of some sort (usually those are more ship wide than division specific).

From 0800-1100 we are working on the above activities. Once 11 hits, we are in the line for lunch. BMs are the type that don't always get a full lunch so we like to be first in, first out. Lunch usually runs from 11-1230. We have been able to take a full lunch, but sometimes if we want an early day we will cut lunch short to get work done.

After lunch we are back at it, but this time its through training. We either have divisional training or what is called ESWS. ESWS (enlisted surface warfare specialist) is a pin that you get once you complete a PQS (personnel qualification standard) and go through a first class board and chiefs board. People who are ESWS qualified are usually shit hot...or at least they think they are. ;)

Depending on what else is going on, we are off work anywhere between 1400-1700. Since we are nearing the end of our yard period, it will unfortunately be leaning toward the later side of the evening. Once the new year hits we will be spending a lot more time at sea.

So there you have it! Isn't my life fun?! haha. Tune in next time for 5 of my weaknesses.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Blog challenge day 11

As promised, today's challenge is about 10 of my pet peeves! Let's get started.

First of all, why are they called pet peeves? Why can't they be called blood boilers, or annoyances? lol

Next. People who don't use their turn signal when driving. Not only is it a serious safety hazard, but it's also just stupid. It takes NO effort to turn it on. With that, EXPIRED TABS. omg. I get they're ridiculously expensive, but if you drive it's an expense you need to account for. There is no excuse!

People (employees) who don't speak English in America. I understand we are a nation of diversity, but English is believed to be our native tongue. If I go to a non-English speaking country, I would try my best to respect their customs and learn their language.

Those who don't tip in restaurants. I don't know if they realize that it's what we do here and it's how servers make their living, but to take up a table for hours and make a person run back and fourth and leave next to nothing (or literally nothing) is just rude.

Girls who wear leggings as pants. I don't think there is much more to add to this.

People who disrespect their uniform off-duty. I'm speaking mostly about military personnel. I see some dirt bags. Just because they think they're not on base doesn't mean that people aren't watching them.

Bad spellers/people who suck at grammar. Mom, I love you. lol.

Blatantly ignorant people who express said ignorance against bull terriers and other dogs. When will we start looking at pet OWNERS as the cause of their behavior? Sure, some dogs have it wired in them to be more aggressive than other breeds. But it can be controlled. I won't go on my usual tangent, but really their ignorance makes me sad. It's not hard to educate ourselves.

Fair weather sports fans. People who only like their "team" when they win.

A bonus one. Open cupboards. Not that hard to close them! I'll never forget one time my husband opened EVERY cupboard in my mom's house just because he knew it bothered me. But he got a good laugh from it, so I guess it was okay.

What are some of your peeves?

Stay tuned for the next topic: Describe a typical day in your current life.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Blog challenge day 10

Today's challenge: describe your most embarrassing moment.

I'm the type of person that doesn't get embarrassed easily. I am, by nature, pretty silly. I do things that others wouldn't do just to make people laugh. That being said, there are things I do that maybe cross the line and I'm not proud of.

Take high school. I was loud, obnoxious, and probably annoying to a lot of people. Though I took my studies seriously, I didn't have a lot of friends because of my behavior (and other factors that I won't go into).

There is still a large part of me that is like that, and I try to check myself because I'm not proud of it. But you know what they say - mistakes are made so we can learn from them...and that's what I'm doing...learning.

Stay tuned for the next topic: 10 pet peeves I have...that should be fun!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Blog challenge day 9

Today's topic: 10 people who have influenced me and why. Get your tissues, folks. I have a feeling this one might get emotional.

First and foremost, my Grandma Jo. This woman...I cannot say enough good things about her. She, to me, is love. She has lost so much in her life and has never given up. I am amazed by her strength. If I can be half the woman she is, I still will not be good enough. I admire her to the moon and back. She, without even knowing it, helps me see the light at the end of the tunnel when my stubborn self only sees darkness. If I didn't have her in my life, I would not have as much compassion as I do. I admire her to the moon and back.

Then there is my husband. He puts up with SO MUCH MORE than he needs to. He encouraged me to join the navy, which was an amazingly great career move, he inspires me every day to simply be better. He is love. Our chapter is only beginning and I am so excited to see where it goes. Forever is not long enough to spend with him...almost 6 years later, it still feels like the honeymoon.

Next comes my mother. She didn't have much growing up, but she made the most of it. Obviously I wouldnt be here without her, but she inspires me to have what she never did. I'm not talking about materialistic stuff - I could care less about that. I'm talking about always seeing the good in people...always giving people a second chance...always forgiving...she's stronger than she realizes. I love her so much and wouldn't be here without her, but I am so thankful for the closeness we have!

Let me tell you something about the next one. Every morning, without fail, he kisses my mom and tells her how beautiful she is and says he loves her. That, my friends, is beautiful to me. He may be old fashioned but i have adopted so many of his principals into my life and i really don't care what others think of it, because I have him to thank for it. My step dad is not only the greatest man i know, but he is my hero. Whenever i talk about him i get super emotional because there is so much love in my heart for him. I think the best part about him is how much he can teach a person and not even realize the impact he has. I can't even say enough for him except every single day i hope i am doing him proud by the choices i make. He is an amazing inspiration to me and I have nothing but love for him.

My oldest (biological) brother Josh is one of the smartest, most stubborn people i know. He challenges your beliefs which is both fascinating and frustrating. lol. I love debating with him because he opens my mind to so many new things. He inspires me because he is both street smart and book smart and incredibly resourceful. We are really alike and sometimes we don't realize just how much.

Women who have babies really close in age and can maintain a happy marriage and a career, and their sanity. They may have help that I don't know about but they definitely make it look easier than I'm sure it is.

On that note, dads who step up. Dads in general don't get enough credit. It's all about the mom because she carried and birthed the child, but the dad, in most cases, PUT UP WITH HER THROUGH IT! lol. That takes a lot of patience to tell a woman she is beautiful every day when she is not comfortable with herself. But I really truly admire dads who marry a woman with kids who aren't biologically his and take them under his wing as his own. I tell you, that can save a life.

My "person" Stacy inspires me because I think she's one of the, if not THE only friend I have who has obtained a bachelors degree, got married, and doesn't have kids. I love her because she is not afraid to speak her mind, and doesn't care what other people think. I know her as loyal, trusting, and an all around great person. She is incredibly goal oriented, too. When she wants something, she won't stop until she gets it. She's full of creative ideas, too...which is always fresh in an ever depressing society.

That's eight. I really can't think of two more, unless I get into celebrities which I don't want to do. Who are some of your inspirations?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

This i ask of you...


If you wrote my eulogy and read it at my funeral, what would it say?

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Blog challenge day 8

Today's topic: What are 5 passions you have?

I won't list them in any particular order, because if it's a passion to me, it obviously means a lot.

-Anything that has to do with animal rights and the proper care of animals, which even goes into vegetarianism. I won't go into my typical tangent, but I really enjoy educating people about things in their life they could be doing better, in regards to eating non-meat and little things to make their pets' lives easier.

-Marriage/love, in particular, mine. I come from a divorced family, whereas my husbands parents have been together for a long time. It's an interesting dynamic, because we obviously don't want to get divorced and there are a lot of values we want to pass down to our family. I have always been a hopeless romantic and I'm excited that I have someone to share that with. :)

-The work I do. It may not seem like much when we sit in port for months at a time, but the maintenance and preservation we do, as well as standing watches underway, driving the ship, etc. have the potential to get us out of dangerous situations when we are underway. I know that what I'm doing can inspire people and make a difference, even if I don't notice it while I'm doing it.

-Reading. I've said before that my favorite smell is new book smell, and it's totally true. There's nothing like a quiet Sunday curled up on the couch reading a book.

-Teaching. This ties a lot into my daily life...I teach those junior to me about the work we do in regards to maintenance, or how to drive the ship, or what we do during unrep. It not only refreshes me, but it teaches them, and I love that feeling.

-Crime tv shows. Law and Order: SVU is a favorite of mine. I like shows that teach the realities of what happens on the dark side of life. It sucks, but it happens and there is something that needs to be done about it.

Stay tuned for the next topic, 10 people who have influenced (me) and how. Have a great Sunday & week!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Blog challenge day 7

Today's topic is: What is your dream job and why?

There are a lot of things I want to do with my life. A lot of places I could see myself. But the thing I want most - the "job" I would most love to have - is the one where I get called mom.

Motherhood has been a dream of mine for a while...I think the earliest I wanted to start was when I was 19! I know that's young, but I had always wanted to start my own family at a young age so we could all "grow up" together and experience everything.

Here I am, almost 6 years later, and no babies yet. I am at a place in my life where it wouldn't exactly be the best time.

In retrospect, I am glad I waited to get pregnant. I am a different person than I was at 19 with different values and more life experience. I would do better now than I would have then.

I'm thinking in about 2 or 3 more years. But one thing remains the same, I will have them close in age. And I will hopefully be done by the time I'm 30. We will see. :)

So there you have it! Have a wonderful day everyone!

Stay tuned for tomorrow's topic: What are 5 passions you have?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Blog challenge day 6

Today's challenge is, what is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?

Another easy one.

December 27, 2005.

The day my father died.

I was with my ex boyfriend. (Of course he was my boyfriend at the time). My mom called me, said I needed to come home immediately. She wouldn't tell me why. It was frustrating, but I was thinking the worst and would hardly hear her out. I made it to the neighboring town where she met me and drove me home. She didn't say much the entire way home.

It wasn't until we finally made it home that she sat me down and told me the events of that morning. I can relive the moment in my head over and over and nothing changes. He is still gone. I still feel the guilt, the pain, the sadness...I still remember the salty tears running down my face and the scream that came out of my throat. I still remember clutching to my mom as she cradled me. I remember it clear as day, like it just happened.

But it was almost 7 years ago.

What hurts the most? It was two days after Christmas. We were thisclose to having the father/daughter relationship I had always wanted. Knowing that a part of my oldest brother died along with him that day, that hurts too, because even though I experienced pain, I don't know what THAT kind of pain feels like. You would have to understand that he grew up with him and I was with my of course it was different. They were close. They were close like my step dad and I are now. I cannot imagine that kind of loss. I don't even want to think of it, because I know that someday I will have to experience it and the thought makes my heart drop into my feet and I can hardly bear it.

Everything he has missed and will miss. He never got to see me graduate, never got to meet my husband or see me get married. Will never meet his grandkids. I guess in a way it's a harsh reality, but that doesn't make it any easier.

And my grandma. This woman... I can't say enough good things about her. She has lost so much and still believes in love. If I could be anyone, I would be her. I love her.

So there you have it. The hardest thing I've experienced.

December 27, 2005.

Our Love Story

 Veteran's Day has come and gone this year but I wanted to share our love story because I think it's fun (even if I'm the only o...