Friday, January 11, 2013

My unofficially official 30 day challenge

I'm not big on be honest I usually forget the ones I make, if I do make them at all, and if I do, it's always the same: do good in school, grow up, etc.

So instead of resolutions, I am doing challenges. Starting with 30 days, then going to 90, 180, etc. until I make it a year. My first challenge is 30 days of no alcohol. I haven't had a sip since last Saturday, so I haven't made it a week yet, but I also haven't had the desire to drink. So far it's going well. I'll keep updates for the next three weeks as well...and perhaps I'll be feeling better!

Some other 30 day challenges I forsee for myself:

-no caffeine
-no red meat
-no meat at all
-no candy
-morning/evening yoga or tae bo

and I may have small challenges in there too...stay tuned! :)

Our Love Story

 Veteran's Day has come and gone this year but I wanted to share our love story because I think it's fun (even if I'm the only o...