Mom of 3. Lover of oversized sweaters, leggings, coffee, campfires and a really good book! My name is Emily. I grew up in a small town where people worked for what they had. This was before the age of smart phones and smart cars...when Christmas was about family, not gifts. When Thanksgiving was about being together. When families stuck together through love. Times sure are different now! This is a glimpse of my life. Welcome to my story.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Frustrated and needing to vent
Sunday, November 20, 2011
5 in 5
Kinda pathetic, I know...
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Working out
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Wrapping it up

Thursday, November 10, 2011
The next few days
Starting tonight after I get off work:
-go to D's parents house and hang out, awaiting the midnight release of Skyrim.
-watch D play Skyrim for whoknowshowlong...
-wake up, go for a run and do other exercises (mostly cardio/pushups/situps)
-clean the bathroom while the washer is going
-move on to the kitchen, do the dishes, wipe counters, etc.
-fold and put away clean clothes, possibly (ok, probably) start a new load
-clean room/make bed etc
-do more cardio
-fold second load of clothes
I am thankful for food!:)
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
I have a lot on my mind
Thankful day 7
Sunday, November 6, 2011
PS --
So on the way home, I texted my recruiter and told him to forget about looking into yeoman for me. I'm excited about where boatswain's mate will take me.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Thankful day 5
Friday, November 4, 2011
Thankful day 4

Today I am thankful for my puppy Leo. I have had lots of dogs as pets before, and I have loved them all...but there is something about Leo...there's also something about raising a dog from the time they're just a few months old until they're old. He is so loyal, so loving, so SPOILED...I just love this dog to pieces. He came into our lives at a time when we were trying to move back probably wasn't the best time, to be honest. But the first time I saw him, my heart melted. He will cuddle when you're cold (or sad), sleep at your feet, and love you unconditionally. He's such a great dog and the perfect addition to our family. <3
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Day 2- I am thankful that I have family who makes me laugh.
Day 3- I am thankful that I was given the chance/opportunity to join the Navy. I think I'm making the right choice. :)
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Pre-boot workout
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Here's a thought...
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
I do solemnly swear...
Friday, October 14, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
At the same time, of course, I'm glad I'm done with it (for now - I do want to go back someday!) I just don't feel like I have enough going on in my life...but I think that's because I'm lazy and full of excuses. I could be working out, I could be studying my START guide for the Navy...I could help my mom around the house more. There are things I definitely need to prepare for before I leave. I have five months, though...and they will go fast, but I don't want it to consume me..
What do my faithful readers do to motivate themselves?
Sunday, October 9, 2011
I guess since my work knows now, I can publicly share that I joined the Navy...but that's kind of old news at this point. I leave in March, which is right around the time that M and E are going to have their babies!
M and M are back together, which is also public knowledge by this point. She's so happy, they're so happy..I am glad she found happiness again. Ugh, that was redundant.
Anyway, I'm still same old me. Not much else to say...
Thursday, September 22, 2011
I died today...
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Does the past really make us stronger?
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Dear you...
Sunday, July 17, 2011
finally home...but home free?
Anyway, that concludes my boring life right now. Post more soon. xoxo
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
bills, bills, bills
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Been meaning to write this for a while
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Letting off steam
Thursday, May 5, 2011
WBT - If you were told to write a research paper on ANYTHING IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD and it had to be 20 pages long, what would your topic be & why?
I would go into the history of serial killers, and how the majority (not all, of course, but most) have started their "streak" by killing animals. I would talk about the obvious facts that animals don't have a voice and need supporters. I would also say that animals would be a hell of a lot less dangerous if people were penalized for raising them to be "fighters" (and I might even use snipets from my piece on dog fighting that I did for my legal research class).
I would do it because I feel like it'd actually mean something. It would be hard for me, and I may get emotional, but if I could use it to benefit those without a voice, hell yeah I'd invest in it!!!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Staying organized -- WBT
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
WBT - venting...very, very late
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Time, money, opportunities :) WBT
I'd want to see both the east and west coasts, then cycle through the rest of the U.S.
I would LOVE to learn major languages: Spanish, Italian, German...and be fluent at them. I took German classes in High School, but if you don't use the language, it becomes lost. Unfortunately it happened to me. Same story for Spanish.
Another thing I'd really like to do is become an interior designer. You couldn't tell from my own place, but I LOVE decorating. It's so much fun! So, with unlimited resources, I would like to learn the art of that. :)
Monday, February 7, 2011
WBT -- travels!
My first is the most realistic. I want to take a road trip between July and August of any given year. It's typically the warmest during those times. I want to tour the U.S., and I want to spend my nights beneath the stars, with nature and the love of my life beside me. I miss the nights when I was 17, 18, with some of my friends...they'd have their guitars, we'd have beer, we'd be down by the river carefree, loving life in the middle of summer...I would love to leave all this and start over somewhere new, but first taking the long way to get there.
I would ideally like to see Australia. I'm so desperate that any time of the year would suit me. Although I don't like winter, even that would make me happy. Any part would be fine. I don't know what about it is so appealing to me, I just feel like we'd get along. It's about as far away from home as I could get, and that doesn't really have anything to do with it, but it doesn't hurt the decision making process, either.
Second on my list would be Rome, Italy. For starters, I LOVE most everything about Italians - the culture, the language, and most importantly, the FOOD! For Italy, I'd like to go when the sun could beam down my back while reading a long love story.
In the states, I want to see Tennessee. I want to visit the Grand Ol Opry. I LOVE country music. There's not a doubt in my mind that I'd fall in love with it, that it would feel more like home to me than anywhere else. Any time of year.
Those are my top four destinations. I don't think it's too far fetched, do you?
Inatimate object -- WBT (a week late)
(I chose my lovely Blackberry)
I am respected by my owner. She doesn't pound on my parts when she's in a hurry, she's mostly patient when I'm tired and not at my fastest, and she even gave me a blanket that keeps me safe and warm in case she drops me! If I'm down on my luck and feeling like I'm gonna leave this world, she quickly plugs me in and gives me lots of caffeine that keeps me going for at least 2 days. She doesn't like me to leave her.
I don't really like when she keeps me stuffed in her purse. It doesn't happen very often, but I'm afraid of the dark, so it's scary when it does. I know she doesn't do it on purpose, but because of my blanket, I don't fit in her pocket. At least I have my friend that plays music with me. :)
I'm even with her at work, and I hear everything she tells her co-workers, guests, and I can even read her thoughts to her friends and boyfriend!! Boy, if something ever did happen between us, I'd have some JUICY STORIES! Well, okay, maybe not so much, but I like to think so :)
Someday, she's gonna be a really good mama to a real baby -- I can tell just by the way she treats me!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
What I hope to teach my kids (or youth of the world) -- WBT
-I want to teach them that I'm their mother first, friend second, but that doesn't mean they can't come to me if they're scared/insecure/whatever.
-I want them to love a God. It could be the Christian God, or whichever God they see fit, but I think it's necessary for them to have faith and that kind of guidance in their life.
-I will teach them support. I will support them with whatever decisions they support in life, as long as it's for the greater good.
-I will teach them that we have three things in life of the upmost importance: faith, hope, and love...and the greatest of these is love. I will teach them to love with all their heart, even when it's their enemies, because hating them is so much harder and not worth the stress it ensues.
-I hope to teach them the importance of education. Growing up, it was never assumed that I'd go to wasn't ever really brought up or expected. I'm not saying I'm going to push it down their throats, but I will say that I do expect them to at least give it a shot. I know that higher education isn't for everyone, and if they decide they hate it, then that's that.
I'm sure there's more that I want to teach my kids. But these were the first to come to my head. :)
Thursday, January 20, 2011
unanswered questions -- WBT
1) will the world really end in 2012?
2) will men be able to someday give birth without having to change their biological parts?
3) will the world really know peace?
4) will marijuana ever be legalized?
5) will the age limit on drinking in the United States be lowered (or raised, for that matter)?
6) will passports ever be required to enter different states in the U.S?
okay, I know they're not the world's "smartest" questions or whatever...but hey, we never said there was a requirement on that :P
Monday, January 10, 2011
1. I try to make whatever is stressing me out go away. If it's something work related, I ask for help or slow down my pace. If it's school related, I tell myself that I'm going to be okay and everything will work out. Also, taking a time out from whatever it is sometimes helps. Doing something else for like an hour (watching a show or reading) can help calm me down.
2. Sleep is a wonderful thing. We've become great friends over the past couple years. I've been really stressed out before, but usually not enough to where I couldn't sleep. Usually.
3. Talking about the situation really helps, especially if it's a relationship related stress, and even if it's not.
4. Managing my time has helped me a lot; prioritizing, not procrastinating, etc. That way I have time for assignments and other things. :)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
five in five
1. I definitely see myself married, with one, maybe two kids. I want all my kids to be close in age, so I don't want to wait too long in between. We live in a small town, and I am a certified paralegal working in a firm.
2. We are married. We are still in Bellingham, because I landed a job at a law firm as a once in a lifetime sorta deal. Derek enlisted in the army and now works for border patrol. We will be moving soon because he will be stationed somewhere else. Oh, and we're expecting :)
3. I got the opportunity to work in a very prestegious animal law firm. There's only one problem. It's in Australia. But, it's a great opportunity. So, Derek and I pack up and move.
4. We are married, with one child. I decide that I am tired of the small town feel, so we move to a larger city that is still close to family, but just far enough away as well. ;) We are both doing great.
5. The world actually ends in 2012 and none of this has the chance to (or not). :/
Our Love Story
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